Monday, 1 October 2012 |
The day before yesterday we got away from home, visited children and grand children in Svanesund and children and grand child in Gothenburg. Hurried on to the seafood party in Fjärås and had great fun. It's always good to meet so many old friends. It became a moderately wet but very late event. The day after we utilized a late breakfast at Albin, before we took off with the motorhome, along Hallands coastal roads. Although we took it very calmly, we were soon overpowered by tiredness. Already after an hour we started looking for a good place to park and found the beach parking at Ugglarp. It began raining and the wind increased. This beach is certainly nice when it's calm in the summer but not even Bonnie wanted to be there because of the noise inferno of the breaking waves. |
After dinner and reading the papers we were pretty soon, rocked asleep. We like the sounds of nature, but last night it was somewhat too much. Today, early in the morning the wind had calmed and we slept until ten. After a walk around Ugglarp and the beach, we came away at twelve and followed the coastal road to Halmstad where we got stuck for additional shopping and lunch. Time for dinner in the parking lot at Sibbarps seaside bathing in Limhamn. It's Monday night and quiet enough for us to choose, to remain here for the night.
Pos. N55°34'36,4" E12°54'48,6"
Google Maps |

At Ugglarps beach parking |